Overheard conversations
Today at Taco's football practice I was sitting next to a few of the other team moms. A few of them seem to be pretty close, sharing personal stories and what-not. Here are a few of the over heard comments.
"I went and renewed my drivers license today. I've lost 8 pounds so I wanted to have the weight changed on it"
"Really?! Wow... today I had a handful of peanuts for breakfast, and a small caesar salad for lunch. I won't have any dinner, I've already had too much to eat today"
"Hey, do you want to get together and play Bunco this weekend? If so, will you pick me up some Michelob Ultra? That and white zin are the only things I drink. I just can't play Bunco without one of those two things"
And let us not forget the wardrobe discussion.
"I found the CUTEST purse at Foley's. It was only $750, so I think I'll whine until my husband buys it for me. "
"I found this ADORABLE little black tiered skirt at Saks. I call it my Senorita skirt. I just absolutely love it"
Seriously people, if I EVER sound this boring and pathetic, will someone take me out back and put me out of my misery? Good lawd.
Boy oh boy
I had classes tonight, and due to the Labor Day holiday I won't have to go back for another week. Everything is going well, but I am definitely tired. But I know that I have to continue so I can one day make a decent living.
Speaking of making a living, starting next week I will have a different position within the company at Job Number One. I am moving from customer service to head up shipping and receiving. I hope it will be a lot less stressful, and I can wear jeans and t-shirts to work every day. Hell yes for that. The only downside is that I will not have access to the internet or to my email during the day, which will mean a lot less contact with Ace. It's definitely a good move for me though, so he and I will just have to deal. It will be the third different job that I've had in the 3 or so years since I was first hired, and honestly I think it's about time for the change. I enjoy what I do now, but it's hard for anyone to not get burned out. I have been training my replacement for a bit over a week now, and on Wednesday when I return from my trip (more on that later) I will be in the new job.
Poor ol Ace. My lovely boyfriend was mowing the lawn when I was in class this evening. He called me about 630, and asked me to call him when he was done. He then informed me that he was in the emergency room because, while mowing, a rock or some other sharp projectile hurled itself into his leg, and sliced him open pretty badly. He had jeans on, but it still did enough damage that it bled through his jeans very quickly, and then soaked his sock and shoe. He probably would not have gone to the ER, but his foot went numb, and he felt like a bone in his leg was broken. After class I met him there, they looked him over, closed him up with glue, gave him the Tetnus booster, and sent him on his way. Poor dude, I bought him some Crunch bars.
Oh, and last, the trip.
Monday (Labor Day) Ace, Taco, Tojo, Ace's parents, his brother, sister-in-law, nephew and I are all heading to Kansas City to attend the meeting of the Yankees and Royals. I'm so freaking excited!!! I haven't ever been to a pro game of any type, and since Ace is a die-hard Yankees fan it just seems fitting that this will be the first one I attend. We will be back Tuesday evening in time for me to get back to work Wednesday. Lucky ass Ace has taken vacation for the whole week. I thought about it, but instead I will use my last few vacation days of the year for finals week.
That's about all folks. Go tell someone that you love em.
This morning when I let Mr. Boom outside it was actually chilly. Just a week ago it was 106, and today it was in the 60s. Big difference.
I opened the windows and screen door, and turned on the attic fan. The house dropped 5 degrees in about 20 minutes, and barely used any electricity. Nice, right?
What was a tad strange to me was at 7:15 this morning I was craving a trip to the state fair for a corn dog. Hmmm. I love summer, but that first cool morning is oh so awesome.
Just in case...

For those of you that have not seen the infamous "Saturday Night pictures of Ace and I, and the rest of our crew, here's one. So fun... and no, Ace isn't stoned. he just really looks like he is.
Have a good day folks.
Life is...busy
I didn't like my first post, so this is the second one. :)
My new, crazy schedule has pulled me away from the ones I love far too much, and it's only been a week.
No, I'm not quitting, so don't start mentally composing your comments yet. But thanks for your diligence.
I'm just having to rethink my priorities and actually plan for things that used to just fall into place. Work, school, home. Not too bad, right? In all reality I spend 95% of my waking hours just taking care of business. The rest of the time is spent on hygene and eating. (Ace, please don't say how every time you see me I have food in my mouth, it's not nice manners...lol)
I must admit that multi-tasking is something that I've always been good at. This new life is creating a whole new meaning to the word though. I have discovered a few things that help things along though. Here's my list:
1. Morning sex. It just sets the day off right.
2. It's ok to leave dirty dishes in the sink and hope the cats lick them clean.
3. Boomer really can sit (still) at my feet while I read. (even if it's for only 5 minutes)
4. A fridge full of beer, a new video game, and a newly single friend can keep Ace occupied for days, all while still at home so I can keep the single friend from corrupting my lovely boyfriend.
5. While at work, no matter how busy I am, it's ok if I want to stop and go sit outside for 10 minutes just to regroup. Hiding in the conference room to work on something pressing so I'm not interrupted is perfectly fine too.
6. Nights out with friends that involve drinking and nonstop laughter are totally worth it, even
if I am exhausted the next day. (love you guys)
So far that's it, but it has only been a week. I have to get back to studying, and maybe some time today I'll eat dinner.
Hello again!
It's been a while, I know.
Working 2 jobs, class, and a home/ boyfriend/ 4 pets to take care of is proving to be a bit much, but never fear, I'm super girl, and I really can do it all!!! And I'm making sure I take time away from all of my responsibilities just to chill out and spend some quality time with Ace. I want to make sure he never feels left out because of everything I have to do and everywhere I have to be. That, and I picked up the new Madden game for him last night to combat his boredom while I'm in class or studying.
I had my first 2 classes Monday night, and they both went great. I love both of my instructors (so far) and the workload doesn't seem to be too difficult. I have another class tonight, and I will begin my internet class tomorrow. I have worked out a decent schedule for myself, which includes school and studies Monday - Thursday, and no more after that, except a small self-review on Sunday night. Hopefully by setting limits for myself I won't get too burned out/ overwhelmed. That will not be a good thing.
So far so good I say. Boomer seems really healthy after his heartworm treatments. He is able to play for longer amounts of time without getting winded. This past Sunday I took him to the shelter with me and let him play with a few of the other dogs. I had filled up a kiddie pool for him, and he flopped in and out of it, rolled all over the place and just loved playing in the water and with the other dogs. I think I'll try to take him back twice a month or so, he definitely had a good time.
Ok, back to work. XOXO
Never fear...
Manders has the internet at home now!!!
Hells yeah.
Work has been kicking my ass lately (big understatement) but it's cool, because I can now blog from home (as I'm doing now)
It was a big hassle for a while, the first computer completely died for some reason, but the lovely folks at Circuit City replaced it for me. So good for them. We are now hooked up and ready to go.
Boomer's trip to the vet wasn't so bad. The doctor looked him over and said he was a 'tad' too heavy...lol. Just keep in mind that he has been on house arrest for the last month due to his treatment so I expected it. She gave him a bit more medicine, but lucky for him (and my spirit) this stuff didn't make him sick. The doctor listened to his heart and lungs, and said that everything sounds clear. He can start on the preventative in 2 weeks, and needs to be restested in 6 months. So we're not COMPLETELY out of the woods, but very close.
I'm still battling with the DPS over my license. Hopefully this next week will solve all of that. I can't go without a license afterall...
Ah, school starts Monday. Scary stuff folks. I'm already unbelievably overwhelmed, but I know that it has to be done. I just want to make sure that everyone is on their toes and makes sure to remind me not to drop out. Do whatever it takes. I won't let you let me quit... or something.
The countdown begins
T-minus 6 days and counting until school starts. Yep, next Monday the 21st I am officially a college student. Scary stuff everybody... I'm excited though. I have always loved meeting new people and learning new things, so I'm sure I'll be just fine.
Our internet is being hooked up tomorrow, and I know that having a home computer, although expensive, will definitely help with my studies. Plus, when Ace is watching hours upon hours of baseball I will have something else to do.
Friday we hooked up our digital cable. With digital cable comes OLN, and with OLN comes the PBR baby!! Saturday and Sunday night both I plopped down in front of the tv and watched person after person going flipping through the air after being bucked off, it was awesome. I loves me some PBR.
Poor Tojo had to get stitches Friday night, but in his own words, 'he was very brave'. I feel so bad for the dude. We'll get him some Mederma though so hopefully his scar won't be very bad.
Ah, in other news, it rained last night FINALLY. Rained pretty hard actually. I left Boomer in his bedroom this morning while I took a shower so he hopefully wouldn't get out and play in the mud. He heard me up and around though, so he broke out of his room and surprised me in the shower again. You would think that I learned my lesson the first time, but nope. Screamed again.
Speaking of Boomer, he goes back for some heartworm followup something or other on Thursday. I don't know if it's bloodwork or a shot or whatever, I just hope he doesn't get sick like last time. Thursday also happens to be his very first birthday, so I'll try to take a new pic and have that up some time soon.
That's about it folks,
Funny story from the home front
Last night Taco (the oldest) and Tojo (the youngest) spent the night with Ace and I.
They were all at football practice until 730, so this of course delayed dinner. I wasn't in much of a mood to cook, and there really weren't any groceries in the house anyway, so I ordered some pizza. So dinner was delayed even more.
All of this really isn't that important, except to explain why the boys were still awake at 1045 when I went to bed.
Anyhow, I'm in bed for about 10 minutes (Ace is still up watching digital cable, we just got it yesterday) when I hear Tojo crying in their bedroom. Oh lovely.
I go in there, and he's really crying, not just whiney whimpering type crying because of something minor, but REALLY crying. He's standing in the middle of the bedroom, looking toward the floor in the corner.
Me: "What's wrong Tojo?"
Him:"My blanket"
Me: "Your blanket? Can you not find it?"
Him: "It's in the corner, it's wet. There's pee on it"
Me: "Pee? You're wide awake, how did you get pee on your blanket?"
Him: "Taco did it"
Me: "Taco, did you pee on his blanket?"
Taco: "I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time"
Now, I know these kids. Neither one of them wet the bed, ever. Not to mention that they haven't even been to sleep yet!
Me: "Now we both know that isn't true, and nobody like a liar. Why did you pee on your brother's blanket and make him upset?"
Taco: "He made me mad, he wouldn't share it with me, and then tried to stand on me"
Me: "So, instead of using YOUR blanket, you PEED on his? Come on now... "
I'm seriously trying to hold back the laughter because I know it will only traumatize Tojo even further, so after Tojo says that he doesn't want to sleep in the same room with his brother, I grab his pillow and a fresh blanket, and move him to the couch in the study.
Then I can laugh, while Ace lectures Taco for the pee.
Sometimes it's lovely not being the actual parent, I just get to enjoy moments like this instead of being the disciplinarian. Ah, good stuff.
Uh oh
I guess by now everyone has heard of the terrorist plot that was foiled last night/ this morning? I don't know too many of the details, only that it again involved airplanes and the US and the UK. Lovely. Honestly it has be a bit scared. So I'm trying my best to avoid the news stories. I'd rather not know what was going on. I do wish that a lot of our military personnel were closer to home though, just in case. They're too far away for the impending WWIII.
That's all I have to say about that....
I surprised Mr. Ace with a new watch last night. The battery in his old one died a few days ago, and instead of fixing it, I opted to just get him a new one. The other was a couple of years old, and I love him, so I just replaced it. He seems to really like it, so that's good. He got home last night kind of late, after I was already asleep. After he saw his present he came up, kissed me, and said I'm the best girlfriend ever. Awww, right?
Other than that, it's still a hot bitch outside. It's supposed to be a whopping 105 today, with a heat index of 115. Holy hell. At least over the weekend when I have to work outside it's only supposed to be about 98. Ah, a break. :P
I'm the boss, Happy surprise Granny, Dog takes a shower
Well it was back to work at the kennel for me Saturday and Sunday, and my first weekend as boss. Everything went pretty well, no real trouble from anybody. I was complimented on the fact that I helped everyone work all day long, instead of acting like the other managers and hanging out in the office. Of course, perhaps that's why they aren't managers anymore and I am.
I did leave early on Saturday to head out to my dad's for Granny's surprise party. I had the responsibility of delivering her to the party, so after I dropped off Ace and the boys I went to get her. When we got back there a few people had already arrived, but she really started to appear happy when the 18th or so person came filing in. Other than cooking, eating, and talking, nothing much really happened. Which to me was perfect. No arguments (there never are) or anything. I did realize that my cousin has a bratty son. Whew boy that kid was out of control. You would expect that the child of a teacher and a highway patrolman would act better, but nope. Oh well, such is life.
Last night after work I hopped in the shower, because frankly, I stunk. It was a hot bitch yesterday and I was rank. I didn't realize, however, that the dog had snuck into the bathroom. While I was washing my face all of a sudden my leg was licked, and I screamed like a sissy. That dang dog scared me silly. He just cocked his head to the side and looked at me like I was the crazy one. But then he thought it was fun, so he decided to hop in the shower with me. Let me tell you how much fun that was. He was splashing around and drinking the water at the bottom of the tub. Once he was fairly wet, he shook. All the time I just spent getting the dog funk off was just instantly replaced. So, of course, I had to get the dog out. He left without too much trouble, so I started all over. Oh well, he looked like he had fun.
Here goes nothing...
Last night I enrolled in night classes at the local junior college.
I plan to get an associates degree in general education, then I'll move up to the nursing program offered at OU.
Yes, I realize that I will be worn smooth out, and gone from home even more often, but I also know that this will provide the best life for me, so I'm just going to have to suffer for a bit.
So here's what I need. Any time you know of me bitching for being tired and wanting to quit, I need to be reminded of how much better life will be for me in...oh... 5 years or so. Whatever you have to do, send me pics of fancy cars, tell me it will all be ok, tell me to shutup, whatever. Just don't let me quit.
Question for the day:
What is better, a pretty face, or a hot body?
And I want to hear from guys and girls alike.
For me I'd say pretty face, because I'm too lazy to get myself a hot body.
Post # 250, and the DPS sucks
I just realized that this is my 250th post. If only my supervisor knew I did this instead of working..lol
At lunch today I went to get the tag for my car. $750 fucking dollars. Outrageous. Total waste of money.
But that's not the crappy part.
It's also time for me to renew my drivers license. So I go, sit in the chair, smile pretty, and the lady says "sorry, it shows here that your license is suspended".
WTH? I haven't had a ticket in years, and never one that went unpaid. She couldn't tell me why it was suspended, just that I needed to call this number. Of course.
When I get back to the office I call, and they tell me that when I had my previous car my insurance lapsed, and I was turned in to them for driving with no coverage.
Hmm, that's funny. I specifically remember transferring to a different company before the first policy ran out.
So I called my current company, who I also had 2 years ago when this all started. And sure as shit, I've had coverage with them during the time in question. Now I just need the paperwork faxed from StateFarm so I can refax it to the DPS. Otherwise I have to send the DPS $250 for reinstatement. Right, because I'm rich.
All in all, a big pain in the ass for absolutely nothing. Fucking Farmers insurance. Now I'm glad I cancelled them. Well that, and my agent spent more time looking at my boobs than trying to write me a policy. Bastards caused all this trouble.
Alrighty, I'm done complaining.
In other news, I made the trek to my grandfather's grave last night. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Seeing his name on the headstone sucked though. When I first saw it I cried. But after I sat and talked for a bit I was ok. I'm glad I went and told him Happy Birthday. He would have been 86.