Thursday, August 10, 2006

Uh oh

I guess by now everyone has heard of the terrorist plot that was foiled last night/ this morning? I don't know too many of the details, only that it again involved airplanes and the US and the UK. Lovely. Honestly it has be a bit scared. So I'm trying my best to avoid the news stories. I'd rather not know what was going on. I do wish that a lot of our military personnel were closer to home though, just in case. They're too far away for the impending WWIII.

That's all I have to say about that....

I surprised Mr. Ace with a new watch last night. The battery in his old one died a few days ago, and instead of fixing it, I opted to just get him a new one. The other was a couple of years old, and I love him, so I just replaced it. He seems to really like it, so that's good. He got home last night kind of late, after I was already asleep. After he saw his present he came up, kissed me, and said I'm the best girlfriend ever. Awww, right?

Other than that, it's still a hot bitch outside. It's supposed to be a whopping 105 today, with a heat index of 115. Holy hell. At least over the weekend when I have to work outside it's only supposed to be about 98. Ah, a break. :P