Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm the boss, Happy surprise Granny, Dog takes a shower

Well it was back to work at the kennel for me Saturday and Sunday, and my first weekend as boss. Everything went pretty well, no real trouble from anybody. I was complimented on the fact that I helped everyone work all day long, instead of acting like the other managers and hanging out in the office. Of course, perhaps that's why they aren't managers anymore and I am.

I did leave early on Saturday to head out to my dad's for Granny's surprise party. I had the responsibility of delivering her to the party, so after I dropped off Ace and the boys I went to get her. When we got back there a few people had already arrived, but she really started to appear happy when the 18th or so person came filing in. Other than cooking, eating, and talking, nothing much really happened. Which to me was perfect. No arguments (there never are) or anything. I did realize that my cousin has a bratty son. Whew boy that kid was out of control. You would expect that the child of a teacher and a highway patrolman would act better, but nope. Oh well, such is life.

Last night after work I hopped in the shower, because frankly, I stunk. It was a hot bitch yesterday and I was rank. I didn't realize, however, that the dog had snuck into the bathroom. While I was washing my face all of a sudden my leg was licked, and I screamed like a sissy. That dang dog scared me silly. He just cocked his head to the side and looked at me like I was the crazy one. But then he thought it was fun, so he decided to hop in the shower with me. Let me tell you how much fun that was. He was splashing around and drinking the water at the bottom of the tub. Once he was fairly wet, he shook. All the time I just spent getting the dog funk off was just instantly replaced. So, of course, I had to get the dog out. He left without too much trouble, so I started all over. Oh well, he looked like he had fun.