Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lunch with Friends

Well last Thursday a group of friends and I met for lunch. I'd say (and I think they'd agree) that a good time was had by all.

Such a good time, in fact, that we're doing it again today. If it's anything like last time I can see this becoming a frequent ritual. It gives me a chance to relax, unwind, and catch up with good people. Oh, and eat awesome food. Can't go wrong there.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Manders Update

Not that much is new with me. Work has been crazy lately. I need to stay pretty late tonight, but guess what? I'm not going to! It's a nice day out, and by golly I'm going to enjoy it.

In other news, I bit my tongue today. It hurts like a mo-fo. I can barely talk without making it hurt more. I'm such a whine bag.

Bye everybody!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Legally bound

Well as of Saturday morning Ace and I are legally bound to an apartment. We were able to get in the building we wanted (right between the two of us) so moving will be a breeze. Unfortunately there wasn't anything on the bottom floor, so we will still have to climb stairs. Suck.

Ace and I had first planned to move in September 1st, but because of some stupid rule we have to move in August 1st. That's in 7 days! I have only a week to pack and clean 2 apartments. OH MY GOD!!! I'm getting started tonight. Wish me luck folks.

Friday, July 22, 2005

TGI friggin F

I am so danged excited that it's Friday. Not just any Friday, but payday Friday. Ah, and not just any payday Friday, but a miraculous payday that manages to have no bills taken out of my check. The money's mine! All mine! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Well tomorrow morning Ace and I are signing the lease on our first apartment together. I'm scared and excited at the same time. Moving day won't be for a few more weeks, but I am definitely ready.

After that I'm going to the finance dept. where I bought my car and having my car payment amount raised. Yup, raised. I hope to have it paid off in a year or so.

Sunday it's back out to Dad's for painting and mowing. We've decided on a grey/ silver type color. I'll let you know how it turns out.

One hot mutha

Yesterday, we hit 100 degrees. Today it's expected to be 102, and tomorrow a nice, blistering 103.

Sounds like a good weekend to sit inside. Yuch...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Decorating ' The Man Shop '

As some of you know, my dad is building a house. He got married in February (Valentines Day) and he and his wife decided to start this little project. It's about half way complete and looks wonderful.

My dad has always wanted a workshop. His wife is a total packrat and doesn't leave a smidgen of wall showing anywhere. If there isn't furniture covering it, then there's a picture, painting, or statue there. His workshop will be his domain, free of clutter, dust, and junk.

For more than a month now we (my dad, brother, and I) have devoted weekends and evenings to getting "The Man Shop" in order.

The outside is complete (I did the painting), the shower and toilet are installed, the septic line and power have been run, its insulated and sheetrocked. Now... what to do?

Dad called the other night wondering what color he should make the inside. He's looking for a modern, clean type feel. Very industrial. I, of course, have no idea.

This weekend is supposed to be set up for finishing the inside, and I have the task of picking the paint color. I am at a total loss. I think a trip to Home Depot is in my near future.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Silly girls

Sometimes people irritate me. Mostly girls who are young and make bad decisions. Maybe because I am one and have made the same mistakes. When I try to help these girls (after they've asked) then I'm treated like I've said something wrong. I'm the bad guy because I gave my honest opinion.

Case in point. Over the weekend a girl from work got into a fight with her live-in fiance. He told her to leave, so she did. The next morning she called me, wanting to go out for a bit. She told me she's tired of him being so controlling and always blowing up at her. She told me about the fight with him and what it was about, and honestly, it sounded like it was her fault. I think she picks fights for fun, just to test his love for her. (if he loves her, he'll argue)

So I say cool, we'll go out. Ace has the boys Sat. night, so we can make a girls night. She'll be over at 8. I call her around 2, and she says she has something to do with his family at 5, but she'll be done in plenty of time for us to still go out. (me) "Oh, so he doesn't want you gone anymore?" (her) "No, he called crying and apologized" (me) Ah, so it's ok for him to yell at you as long as he apologizes? (her) Well no, but he won't do it again. He said so.

So I'm still thinking (skeptically mind you) that she'll be over at 8. I hadn't heard from her at 730, so I call her. She's still at his family's thing, and will be over at 9. I call her at 945. Her, the fiance, and his 2 friends are going to a country bar, and she 'guesses it'll be ok for me to come too'

I say no thanks, and curl up on the floor next to Tojo to watch Americas most wanted.

Today I get to work, she emails me and says she's sorry, she had no choice. Then she asks me if I think they should still get married. I told her no. Neither one of them are ready to make a lifetime commitment to anything. Now she won't speak to me. Guess she didn't like my answer. Eh well. Life goes on. Stupid girl.

Friday, July 15, 2005

I got flowers!

The darling Ace sent flowers to my office for me today.

Monday marked the 2 year anniversary of our 1st date, and I love him more and more every day. I can't imagine life without you babe!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Bulldog baby

A girl from work was just given a 4 month old bulldog. She's absolutely adorable! They've named her Harley. They keep her, give the original owner 2 litters of puppies, and the rest of the litters she has (with their boy dog) are for them to keep or do whatever they want with. She's already promised me one. Now I just have to wait for 2 or 3 years... dang...

My day off

This past Friday I took a mental health day. I started it off by sleeping until 1, then going to the drug store for allergy medicine, a Sprite, and a candy bar. I then cruised to Wally World, turned my car over to the mechanics for an oil change, new wipers, and a new air filter. (BTW, you pay regular price for those items, and they're installed free with any service. Not a bad deal at all)

Well while the car was being tinkered with, I was off to get my hair did in the salon. For $13, I had a shampoo, cut (almost an hour's worth), and blow dry. Man did I feel like a million bucks. I had layers cut into my hair and took about 3 inches off overall. Then I went to the grocery store, put the food up, and laid down to watch Oprah and Jeopardy. Not a bad day at all if you ask me.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Concert update

Well the concert last night was awesome. We got there early enough that we had the option to sit on the grass right in front of the stage, but no one had a blanket, they didn't have a beer guy running around, and there were of course not backs of seats to lean against for comfort, so we opted for regular seats.

We picked awesome seats, with our backs to the sun to keep the sunset from our eyes. They had a 'jumbotron' type screen right in front of us, so even though we were a bit from the stage we could see all the action on the tv. Our beer guy was awesome. He had a button on his shirt with his cell phone number, so if you were a good tipper (we were) he'd let you call him, tell him your location name (we were the Front Row Drunks) and he'd run over with some beer.

Those who know me know I love to people watch. Yesterday there was a grandma with a huge straw floppy hat on, and a leopard bikini! Swear to God! Her boobs touched her belly button, and the varicose veins showing under her denim mini skirt. Oh, and I can't forget the woman who refused to shave her pits wearing an orange tank dress. That one almost made me vomit.

Now, of course, on to the music. The opening band was great, just a weird choice. They were two Aussies and a Brit. It seemed a tad out of the ordinary to open for Willie Nelson. Oh well, still a good band.

Willie played first, for a little more than an hour. The crowd was really into it, singing and clapping, and just over all having a good time. Bob played second, for around 2 hours. His music was of course more upbeat, where Willie's was more easy listening. After the sun set the crowd seemed to come to life even more (perhaps because it was cooler out, or the beer had really started to kick in) The girls on the field hopped on their boyfriend/husbands shoulders to get a better view, everyone was jumping up and down, waving their arms, and singing along with Bob.

As far as what I liked, I must say Willie's music was better, but Bob put on a better, higher energy show. I guess it what you prefer would dictate who you thought was the best. As for myself, I was there more for atmosphere than music, so I'm picking Bob.

Over all we had a good time, I'd go again in a heartbeat.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I'm so fucking excited!!

I found out yesterday afternoon that I get to join some co-workers at the Bob Dylan/ Willie Nelson concert tonight at Drillers Stadium. Hell yeah!!

They got special tickets that allow us to enter the stadium an hour before everyone else so we can go in and get the best seats. Not only that, but because of the early hour I get to leave work before 5 and hang out and drink beer.

I'll make sure to give everyone an update tomorrow.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Come on weekend...

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Saturday night Ace and I are going to a big work party/ drunk fest. It's out in the country on 15 acres, so everyone's going to drink up a storm then put up a tent and pass out. I'm so excited.

Monday night we will probably go to the Arkansas river for the big Boom River celebration. That's always a good time. You just lay on a blanket, make fun of the weirdos, drink beer, and watch the fireworks.

Other than those two things I'll probably help my dad paint a bit, swim, and just hang out with Ace, Taco, and Tojo.