Monday, July 18, 2005

Silly girls

Sometimes people irritate me. Mostly girls who are young and make bad decisions. Maybe because I am one and have made the same mistakes. When I try to help these girls (after they've asked) then I'm treated like I've said something wrong. I'm the bad guy because I gave my honest opinion.

Case in point. Over the weekend a girl from work got into a fight with her live-in fiance. He told her to leave, so she did. The next morning she called me, wanting to go out for a bit. She told me she's tired of him being so controlling and always blowing up at her. She told me about the fight with him and what it was about, and honestly, it sounded like it was her fault. I think she picks fights for fun, just to test his love for her. (if he loves her, he'll argue)

So I say cool, we'll go out. Ace has the boys Sat. night, so we can make a girls night. She'll be over at 8. I call her around 2, and she says she has something to do with his family at 5, but she'll be done in plenty of time for us to still go out. (me) "Oh, so he doesn't want you gone anymore?" (her) "No, he called crying and apologized" (me) Ah, so it's ok for him to yell at you as long as he apologizes? (her) Well no, but he won't do it again. He said so.

So I'm still thinking (skeptically mind you) that she'll be over at 8. I hadn't heard from her at 730, so I call her. She's still at his family's thing, and will be over at 9. I call her at 945. Her, the fiance, and his 2 friends are going to a country bar, and she 'guesses it'll be ok for me to come too'

I say no thanks, and curl up on the floor next to Tojo to watch Americas most wanted.

Today I get to work, she emails me and says she's sorry, she had no choice. Then she asks me if I think they should still get married. I told her no. Neither one of them are ready to make a lifetime commitment to anything. Now she won't speak to me. Guess she didn't like my answer. Eh well. Life goes on. Stupid girl.