Monday, July 24, 2006

A nice cool break~ and other random shit.

This past weekend has great weather, it was about 20 degrees cooler locally than it had been for the previous week. Not bad really for late July.

At the shelter we spent our down time fixing up the outdoor yards because one of the news stations was coming this morning (monday) to do a story on keeping the dogs safe from the heat. We're always open to the added exposure, so we wanted to make sure the place looked extra nice. Of course this meant filling in the holes they had dug with wheelbarrow's full of sand and other things like that, but honestly the work needed to be done anyway. Because of the cooler weather the dogs were a lot more active, and being able to just get out and play some fetch and brush some of them really seemed to help with their attitudes. Gone were the panting, sad, hot little dogs. They were replaced with running, barking, playing happy pups. Which, in turn, is good for my mood as well.

Mr. Boom is doing very good. He's a lot healthier than I expected for him to be, and when I spoke to his vet on Saturday she and I discussed everything that he does on a daily basis, and she told me that I'm doing everything perfectly. She wants me to cut back on some of his canned food though so he won't gain weight while being so confined during his rehabilitation, which of course, would just stress his heart further. So Boom will be upset, but I agreed to cut him back to a half a can a day instead of a full one.

Ace and I decided not to go floating this year, we just can't leave the doggy while he's sick. I am bummed, I was definitely looking forward to getting out and having a nice time. But of course, the dog's health is first. Hopefully it will still be warm enough that the dog can go with us on a day trip to the lake when he is off of restriction.

I posted that I got my car back from the body shop, right? I sure missed it. I loved the truck that I had borrowed from my dad, but the amount of gas it required was rediculous. Plus, the car is just more comfortable.

Plans are coming along for Granny's party. She still doesn't know about it, and I'm curious to see if we can keep it a secret until the day of. I just want to see her freak. Lucky for us, her heart is strong. (lol)

That's about it folks. Today is somebody's last day here at job #1, so we're off to have cake and say our goodbye's. Have a good week.