Sunday, October 15, 2006

Introducing: Sanchez!!!

When I arrived at work this morning I had a lovely little surprise sitting in the very back outdoor kennel. 7 beautiful puppies. 3 white, 2 black, 2 tan. All very cute, all very scared.

Due to overcrowding issues because of a recently broken up puppy mill, we probably won't be able to take the little guys in. Instead all 7 were Pound Bound. I knew this, and started to cry. I was sobby all day, knowing these little 4 week old babies didn't ever have a chance.

Then I called Ace, and I was reminded why I love him so much. He knows how important animals are to me, so he said I could have one!!! Heck yeah baby.

So here he is, in all of his puppy glory.

Weighing in at a whopping 4.2 pounds, and as sweet as can be, let me introduce Sanchez. (note Girl Kitty in the background making sure this new little thing stays in line)

Oh, and to all of you, please SERIOUSLY consider adopting a shelter pet. So many of these guys never find homes. Also, no matter what, have yours spayed or neutered. As much as I love little Sanchez, he should have never existed.