Wednesday, September 20, 2006

2 down, 1 to go.

2 of the 3 school related nightmares for the week are over. My paper was turned in Monday without incident, and today was the dreaded algebra test. It really wasn't so bad, and at the least I expect a high B on it. Which for me and my math skills, that's pretty good. I still have my history test, which I can take either Thursday or Friday. I'd like to do it tomorrow and just get it over with, but by moving it to Friday I give myself an extra day to study. So I'm shooting for Friday.

Other than that, life's good. Job's good, I'm taking a day off in a few weeks hopefully just to relax and catch Taco's football game. I tend to plan too many things into my days' off, and I never actually rest. I've got to stop doing that.

The Boom Dog and I played fetch for about 15 minutes when I got home today, he has taken up a new skill of hopping around like a bull that is bucking. So funny... the boy has no grace at all, and usually just ends up losing his balance and falling over.

Oh, Johnnie, sorry for the acne comments, I'm not an acne-covered-person-hater, it was just a coincidence. (hope I spelled that right. If not, it's my blog, so shush)