Monday, September 18, 2006


Some times I find that I'm so caught up in reading everyone elses blogs that I forget to actually write one myself. You all are just so much more interesting than the crap I consistantly write about school and my 35 pets and all of the other played out topics. Oh well.

In cool blog news, I have found that blogging helps me in my Comp class. (yep, school reference ALREADY) My first essay was taken directly from a blog a while back, and the new assignment from today is probably going to be the same way.

( the cat just pooped... funky)

I do have a rough week at school ahead. Well, today my essay was due, and I have two tests. One Wednesday, one Thursday. Yes, I realize I should be studying and not blogging, but oh well, here I sit.

Have I ever said how much I love hot dogs? I have craved a hot dog all day, and I finally ate one. Ok, I ate two. Sue me.

Wanna know something that bugs me? People that can't work, for whatever reason. I will be the first to admit that I base a big amount of respect that I carry for a person on their work ethic. Even if they suck at what they do, if they show up and give it their all, I'm generally ok. There are the ones that have excuse after excuse, however, as to why they just can't make it in some day. Then another day, then another. Pisses me off to no end. Yes, I realize that it's their paycheck that is suffering, but other people are the ones that have to cover for the slacker, and that's selfish. Those people suck, and I have no respect for them.

Oh, something else that bugs me. Friday night while the guys went to the football game I went to the mall. (Or Maul, as FBM refers to it) I went into 4 stores before someone even said a word to me. Yes, I realize that I might not be the coolest lady around, or the richest, but by gawd I have a credit card and if you pimple-faced assholes refuse to talk to me then I just won't buy any of your pretentious crap, and I'll shop elsewhere.

I'm not all bitter though (wow, this blog is pretty long. I'm impressed) I was able to take a 3 hour nap on Sunday afternoon, and it was oh so nice. I should be able to do that everyday. Something else that I should be able to do every day is have a strawberry popsicle with real fruit inside. Fantastic.

I think I'm done. Tune in tomorrow for updates from study land.