The Granny visit
I tried calling her a few times last night, and she never answered. Being the stubborn girl that I was raised to be, I headed to Wal Mart and bought her the largest yellow mum plant I could find, as well as a card, and went over anyway.
I stood at the door, knocking, for at least 5 minutes. I could see she had the tv on through the light flashes out of the window, so I kept knocking. She finally answered.
I gave her the flowers, and she thanked me. Then she scolded me for spending my money on her instead of on myself... I hope she knows I'd spend every dime I had on her if she ever needed it.
We sat and talked for over 2 hours, about anything, everything, and nothing all rolled into one. Marshall the Cat is still hanging around her, but Marshall turned out to be a girl because she had kittens last week. I told Granny I'd bring her a bag of catfood for her dear Marshall. We told stories of when I was young and used to punch my brothers in the face... that always makes Granny laugh. (I'm such a She told me how she can't sleep in her bed anymore because it makes her miss my Grandpa. She woke up too many times with tears rolling down her face, so sleeping in the recliner is just easier for her. I'm fine with that, whatever makes her happy. I did see some food on a plate in the sink, so I know she had eaten something recently, but all of her diabetic supplies were no where to be found. I'll make sure my cousin the pharmacist knows that...
Granny gave me some pictures of me as a wee lass, I'll get those scanned and up on the bloggy before too long. Some are pretty cute.
My dear old Granny made a comment last night that has stuck with me all day long. She has been going through everything, washing it, then putting it away. And I mean EVERYTHING, the medicine cabinet, the towels, everything. She also emptied out her deep freeze, cleaned it, and then put everything back in. What she said is this: "I don't want you guys coming in here to divide things up and remember me as a lousy housekeeper, so I'm getting everything ready". I had to sneak off to the bathroom to cry...
I love her so much, but she's sad. She's ready to see her husband again, we're just not ready for her to go. I want her to rock my babies to sleep... she just can't die. She can't.
I knew it would happen, but that doesn't make it any easier
My grandmother has given up.
My dad spoke with my aunt earlier today, and it seems that Granny has been overtaken with the sadness and has decided just to quit.
She has stopped taking people's phone calls, I've been calling her since this past Saturday, and she hasn't answered once. My dad has been calling since Monday, and she hasn't answered his calls either. She has stopped coming to the door, and the only way we know she's still alive is my aunt has gone by twice and used the spare key hidden outside (for emergencies) to let herself in and check. She has even stopped eating, and has lost over 20 pounds in two weeks.
While my aunt was there my Grandma said that my aunt could start having the things that were left to her in the will, and that she wanted to meet with my dad to sign her house over to him.
I'm not sure what has prompted the inevitable. It could have been the big birthday party we had for her, she might of thought it was a nice memory to leave us all with. It could have been my grandpa's birthday that she couldn't make him a cake for. Maybe the end of the summer/ start of fall has done it, or even that she can't work in the yard or garden anymore due to the cooler temps.
Something has changed, and I know in my heart that she has just decided to quit. Living without her husband isn't something that she wants to do anymore, so she wants to be with him in heaven instead. So instead of making dinner, cleaning, or studying tonight I'm going to pick up some flowers and take them to my beloved Granny. I don't know if she'll come to the door when I'm there, but maybe when she opens it and sees that we still love her, maybe she won't quit after all.
Damn this is hard.
Some CRAZY storms
Last night was pretty eventful.
First was Flight for Sight that benefits Prevent Blindness Oklahoma ( at the airport. My company is a sponsor and we're always given free tickets. Ace and I went there and had a great time. Of course when you have free food and alcohol it's hard to not have a great time. Ace participated in the silent auction and won me a tanning/ fitness package, and won Tojo a month of karate/ kickboxing lessons. That was definitely cool.
After we got home I crawled up to bed and was later awoken by massive thunder and lightning. Earlier while at the airport we could see the storm moving in, but I had no idea it would be this strong. The windows were rattling, thunder was booming, lightning strikes were flashing. This went on for a few hours, so needless to say I didn't sleep very well.
As I was leaving this morning for work it was still dark, so I couldn't see all the damage throughout the neighborhood, but apparently everyone else had it worse than we did. We had the phone line ripped off of the house, but that's no big deal because Ace and I just use our cell's. The family across the street lost nearly half a tree, and other houses lost large branches. The neighborhood Boys Club lost their sign, and another house down the street lost their privacy fence.
I'm at home now, after a pretty rough day with the doggies. Don't get me wrong, the dogs were great. It was the other employees that were the problem. I had 5 people scheduled to work, 6 if you count me. 3 of them called in sick, and a 4th was nearly an hour late. The one that was late decided he wasn't going to work anyway, so after running him out of our break area 3 times before noon, I just sent his lazy ass home. I did have a sit down with our director, and I told her of my problems and how I had worked there since February without so much as a sick day taken. I was working 7 days a week plus going to school, and I didn't have the patience or the mentality to deal with a bunch of laziness. I added that if I didn't get better help I was going to find a job elsewhere. She said she'd speak to the weakday manager and that she and I will have a sit down next Saturday to discuss a game plan to keep me there and satisfied. So I guess we'll just see how that goes.
I was nearly an hour and a half late coming home today, so we had to cancel our cook out we had planned for the boys, Ace and I. Needless to say, I'm irritated. We will just have Chinese food delivered instead.
Have a good rest of the weekend everybody, mine should hopefully get better from here.
2 down, 1 to go.
2 of the 3 school related nightmares for the week are over. My paper was turned in Monday without incident, and today was the dreaded algebra test. It really wasn't so bad, and at the least I expect a high B on it. Which for me and my math skills, that's pretty good. I still have my history test, which I can take either Thursday or Friday. I'd like to do it tomorrow and just get it over with, but by moving it to Friday I give myself an extra day to study. So I'm shooting for Friday.
Other than that, life's good. Job's good, I'm taking a day off in a few weeks hopefully just to relax and catch Taco's football game. I tend to plan too many things into my days' off, and I never actually rest. I've got to stop doing that.
The Boom Dog and I played fetch for about 15 minutes when I got home today, he has taken up a new skill of hopping around like a bull that is bucking. So funny... the boy has no grace at all, and usually just ends up losing his balance and falling over.
Oh, Johnnie, sorry for the acne comments, I'm not an acne-covered-person-hater, it was just a coincidence. (hope I spelled that right. If not, it's my blog, so shush)
Some times I find that I'm so caught up in reading everyone elses blogs that I forget to actually write one myself. You all are just so much more interesting than the crap I consistantly write about school and my 35 pets and all of the other played out topics. Oh well.
In cool blog news, I have found that blogging helps me in my Comp class. (yep, school reference ALREADY) My first essay was taken directly from a blog a while back, and the new assignment from today is probably going to be the same way.
( the cat just pooped... funky)
I do have a rough week at school ahead. Well, today my essay was due, and I have two tests. One Wednesday, one Thursday. Yes, I realize I should be studying and not blogging, but oh well, here I sit.
Have I ever said how much I love hot dogs? I have craved a hot dog all day, and I finally ate one. Ok, I ate two. Sue me.
Wanna know something that bugs me? People that can't work, for whatever reason. I will be the first to admit that I base a big amount of respect that I carry for a person on their work ethic. Even if they suck at what they do, if they show up and give it their all, I'm generally ok. There are the ones that have excuse after excuse, however, as to why they just can't make it in some day. Then another day, then another. Pisses me off to no end. Yes, I realize that it's their paycheck that is suffering, but other people are the ones that have to cover for the slacker, and that's selfish. Those people suck, and I have no respect for them.
Oh, something else that bugs me. Friday night while the guys went to the football game I went to the mall. (Or Maul, as FBM refers to it) I went into 4 stores before someone even said a word to me. Yes, I realize that I might not be the coolest lady around, or the richest, but by gawd I have a credit card and if you pimple-faced assholes refuse to talk to me then I just won't buy any of your pretentious crap, and I'll shop elsewhere.
I'm not all bitter though (wow, this blog is pretty long. I'm impressed) I was able to take a 3 hour nap on Sunday afternoon, and it was oh so nice. I should be able to do that everyday. Something else that I should be able to do every day is have a strawberry popsicle with real fruit inside. Fantastic.
I think I'm done. Tune in tomorrow for updates from study land.
Something I remembered
It's probably not a good idea to hire a girl covered with acne to run the Proactive kiosk at the mall. Just a suggestion.
Something else I remembered. I hate algebra. It sucks limp penis.
One more thing. Braums currently has their mixes on sale. I remembered how much I love chocolate mixes with strawberries.
Last thing, I swear.
I took Boom Dog for a walk today after class, and I remembered how happy it makes him. Now that he's well and it's cooler out I need to remember to do that more. You should have seen my baby prance... :)
How is everybody?
It so weird not being able to come in and post whenever I like, the new job I have accepted in my company keeps me away from the internet throughout my day, so all of my posting/ reading must be done in the small amount of time I have to myself at home.
My weekend went great, the weather was awesome so I could get out and play with the dogs at my shelter for a decent amount of time. I love being able to play a nice game of fetch on a cool late summer day. So nice. :)
Sunday evening I went to my grandma's house, and I didn't realize it was Grandparents' day. Oh well, bonus points to me. My two older girl cousins were there, and the one who has children brought them along also. All the girl talk was rampant, and I found out that one of my cousins was at the exact same baseball game that I went to, not more than 10 rows to my right. Strange, right? Too bad I didn't know she was going, she could of come to lunch with Ace and I and met Jeter. (Linda, my cousin, was so envious of me for that)
Grandma has a new friend, which is sweet and sad to me at the same time. A stray cat has been hanging around her house, and although my grandma doesn't feed him, he still comes back. The sad/ sweet part is that she has started to call him by my grandfather's name. The cat will come up and purr and rub on her leg, and she tells him to "stop getting fresh" Whatever she has to do to deal with it is ok by me, even if she thinks my grandpa has been reincarnated into a stray cat.
Ah, yes. School. Classes are going well, studying is taking up SO much of my time. I'm exhausted right now, and I have no signs of a break any time soon. Oh well, one day I'm sure my hard work will pay off. I will be able to go out and pick out a nice house and have a brand new car in the drive way. I just have to work my ass off now to get there. But I can do it.
Ok, enough for now, it's past my bedtime.
Tagged, I'm it
Tagged my Kathi, so here I go.
1. Things that scare me. ~~~~
-Being raped. Not sure why, but I've always been really afraid of this.
-Not being able to accomplish all of the things that I was always told I could never do. I'm determined to prove them wrong.
- My mom not knowing her grandkids.
2. People who make me laugh.~~~
- Everyone. I laugh all day, every day.
3. Things I hate most. ~~~~
- Idiots. Not the people that are just not as bright as others, but people that choose to be stupid.
- People that are inconsiderate or ungrateful.
- Anyone who hurts another living thing.
4. Things I don't understand.~~~
- Why people think that their pets need to have babies. Seriously, spend one day at the shelter with me, just answering phones. Hear all the stories of the abandoned and abused animals and you'll never want another litter.
- War. If people were just compassionate and understanding...
- How Chex cereal is made. How do they get all those little squares like that?
5. Things I'm doing right now.~~~
- I have a 2 loads of laundry going, the dishwasher running, I'm listening to a cd, and taking a short break from my algebra homework. Oh, and petting one of my cats.
6. Things I want to do before I die.~~ ~
- I want to finish school, get an awesome job, get married, and have a baby. Not necessarily in that order though
7. Things I can do.~~~
- I can listen when someone needs me to.
- I can be the best pet mommy to my cats and dog.
- Unwrap a starburst inside my mouth.
- Study...
8. Ways to describe my personality.~~~
- Corny. I can make anybody laugh at me if I try.
- Hardworking. Sometimes too hard.
- Compassionate. Especially for animals.
- Sincere. No one has ever accused me of being fake.
9. Things I can't do.~~~
- Dive. I am afraid of being upside down. (damn, should of put that at #1.)
- Do a cartwheel. See above.
- Live without my pets. Just one little purr or lick on the hand can completely soothe my soul.
10. Things I think you should listen to.~~~
- Yourself. You're the only one that knows what's best for you.
11. Things you should never listen to.~~~
- Rap music. So awful.
- Put downs. Don't listen to people that have negative things to say. They're just miserable about their own faults.
12. Things I'd like to learn.~~~
- How to scuba dive. Just not near sting rays.
- Why anyone thought that algebra was necessary...
- Who, who wrote the book of love?
13. Favorite foods.~~~
-Thai food. Oh baby.
- Seafood. Shrimp, crab, lobster, mmmm good stuff.
- Strawberry shortcake.
- Pumpkin pie.
- hot wings.
14. Beverages I drink regularly.~~~
- Water
- Smirnoff twisteds, especially the apple ones.
- Water with lemon.
- Oh yeah, water.
15. Shows I watched as a kid. ~~~
- Full House
- Saved by the bell
- The Price is Right (during the summer)
- Days of our Lives (as a teen)
- Wheel of Fortune
I tag... everyone on my blogroll that actually still has a blog. I know, I have a lot of updating to do. Maybe later.
Holy shiat

Yes, in fact, that is Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams, and Jorge Posada standing next to Ace, Taco, Tojo, and others.
Use the above picture to get a good idea of how or vacation went. If you can't, it was farking awesome!!!
We left Tulsa at fairly early on Monday, and made it to KC around 2. We checked in, let the boys swim for a bit, then let Ace's mom pick our restaurant for a late lunch before heading to the ball park. Lucky for us, she picked a great italian place that had 3 Yankees eating in it. So cool... After we let them finish their meal Ace asked if all the guys would pose for a pic with the crew, and they did. Posada was a bit of a jerk, but since he just dropped $13 million on a plane, it was expected.
The game was great, the Yank's let the Royals think that they could win for a good part of the game, but come the 8th inning they showed those punks who was boss, and had a 10 run inning that lasted nearly an hour. Boy was that a fun hour. I don't think I've ever seen Ace happier.
After the game Ace's sister-in-law, who is pregnant, watched the kids so the rest of us could have a few drinks and some munchies in the hotel bar. After we grabbed the boys and made it to our room it was nearly 1 am, and we were all exhausted. Ace fell asleep holding my hand. Say it with me... "awwwww"
We all loaded up and headed to IHOP for breakfast, then hit the road back to Tulsa.
Awesome trip, great game, go Yankees.
Kansas City here we come!!!
The car's packed. The boys are dressed. I have my very first ever baseball cap. The dog is at his babysitter's. The cats are fed. The gas tank is full.
We're ready to go to a baseball game.
Hell yeah, everybody cross your fingers and hope the Yankees win. They can't lose at the first game I go to.
I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures for you all later.