Friday, February 16, 2007

The cat's outta the bag

First things first, we still haven't closed on the house. Don't ask me why. I'm sure there is a reason, I just feel that I've been fed so much bullshit over this deal that I don't really believe the reason that I'm being told.

That said, I have some other news. Scary news, but still really cool news. And no, I'm not preggo.

A couple of weeks ago I found an ad in the newspaper for a hospital that is training people to be nurses aides, and then providing them a job afterwards.

So I applied.

And yesterday I was offered a job.

And today I accepted.

And now I'm freaking out.

I have a mortgage... well... almost. (see above) Why in the hell am I deciding to now quit my job? Well, because it is a really great opportunity. It will give me the experience/ edge I need to help me be accepted to nursing school. I don't see how I couldn't accept it. Plus, their schedules are much more flexible, and will allow greater amounts of time for my regular school.

So that's it, starting Feb. 26th I'll have a new job.