Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dear So-and-So

Dear ...

Inconsiderate Drivers:
Next time someone pulls out in front of me doing 10 when I'm doing 50 is going to end up with my car up their ass. Cut it out, the roads are icy. Don't be stupid.

Dear UPS man:
Thanks for being so polite to me Friday evening, even though you had about an hour's worth of packages to load. Yes, I did see you hammer your fist in the door when you first saw what was in store for your pick up, and I really appreciate you being polite to my face, even though I knew you were cussing under your breath.

Dear Woman at McDonalds.:
Again, another inconsiderate asshat. You go the wrong way through the parking lot, causing a headache for the other drivers, and then once inside you stop in front of the soda machine and wipe the crap off of your kid's face, even though a line has started to form behind you. Get out of the way lady... you're not the only person in the restaurant.

Dear Girl Kitty:
Sorry I teased you with the angry cat sounder on the computer. I know you got upset... and fluffy... and ran around the house looking for a fight to join. It was just so damn funny I couldn't stop from replaying it... LMAO!!

Dear House People:
Thank you for finally deciding to accept our MORE THAN GENEROUS offer on your house. Good luck fixing all of that stuff in just two weeks. If you can't get it done, it's your own dang fault for dragging your feet. You should have known I wasn't going to back down. (we close in two weeks people, TWO weeks!!)

Dear Doggies at the Shelter:
You guys are the best... even though it's icy and cold and wet, and you jump on me and sling mud and poop (yes, actually poop) on me, I still really love you all. You make me so happy. I hope you get homes soon.

Dear Weathermen:
Good job on predicting snow this weekend. It rained, and rained, and rained. But that's it. Way to go.
