Friday, March 03, 2006

I hate stupid people...

Here's a story to end a lovely week:

First a bit of backstory, for those of you who don't know. Ace and I had separate apartments, then moved into a joint one in the same complex.

Ok, we are waiting for the apartment management to fax the new leasing company our rental history, stating we haven't been late with any rent payments, and left the last place in good shape. Easy, right?

Yesterday they faxed everything on our current apartment, but not the previous ones we held individually. So I called the office, and she told me she needed our last day of occupancy at the old place before she could pull our rental history.

Now, she knows we transferred to a new one, so logically, wouldn't the last day at our old place be one day before our first day at the new place? I mean, we moved from one, straight to another. If she knows our move in date at apartment 2, shouldn't she know the move out date at apartment one?

Good lawd...