Friday, March 03, 2006

House hunt 2006....

Well we're still waiting on an approval on the house, however we are putting down a refundable deposit to hold it. That way no one else can swoop in because they will take it off of the website and out of the Sunday paper. Hopefully we will find out before the end of the day.

I'm signing up for a NASCAR fantasy league, I think that will be pretty cool. As long as I win. Nothing like beating some guys at sports to boost a girl's ego! lol...

I'll spend this weekend playing with the pups, all while earning extra cash. And packing up ghetto apartment we've hated living in for the last 6 months. I can't wait to get out of that place...

That's about all folks, have a wonderful weekend. And I'll keep you updated on HouseHunt, 2006!