Wish us luck!!
Tomorrow at 10 am Ace and I are viewing a house that we are absolutely in love with. It is in a great neighborhood, with plenty of space for us and our crew. It is really close to Ace's sister and niece, as well as his mom and dad. And still only about 6 miles from our offices. Nice, right?
Plus, as an added bonus, there's a Bonus Room. The garage was converted to an additional room, which will house the Homies, and the video games. Oh, and let us not forget the WET BAR. Daven, feel free to come over daily.
And don't worry, I won't mind the noise, I'll just go to our bedroom upstairs to get away from it. That's right, I said UPSTAIRS!!. Can't beat that, right? 3+ bedrooms, 2 story, fenced yard and storage shed, and an awesome neighborhood. I'm so excited!!
We'll let everyone know how it goes, wish us luck!
Spring/ Party girl fever
I don't know what has come over me, but ever since yesterday afternoon, all I have wanted to do is grab a big group of girls, get all dolled up, and go out running the town.
For those of you that know me, you'll know it's so Anti-Manders character. But I can't help it. A bit of time has passed since my last Girls Night Out, and I'm starting to get a bit stir crazy. I'm not sure if it's the upcoming Spring time, or all the time I've been spending at work, but all I want to do is head out and get tipsy.
Too bad it's just Monday.
Dad's New House
Here are some much awaited pics... Many many hours of sweat have been poured into this beast, so enjoy!

This is the living room, looking back towards the kitchen

This is the Man Shop, minus the garage doors.

Here's the back of the house

Here's the back/ side

This would be the front

If you turn your head sideways, you'll see the cook top and vent hood.

Kitchen, of course.

Office/ Den/ Study

Master bedroom. Notice the fancy ceiling

Side of kitchen, looking toward back bedrooms.

In living room, looking towards front door and study

Another kitchen shot, a bit blurry.
My Birthday!!
Tomorrow is my birthday!! Hell yeah!!
I am meeting my Granny at 130 for birthday cake and then taking her to my dad's new house for a viewing and to take pictures of it for her to show off to others.
That's really about it, possibly taking Ace's boys (and Ace of course) to Celebration Station since the youngest and I share the B-day.
Have a great day tomorrow folks, I know I will.
Snow snow go away...
Goddamn snow... It hit Friday, and is still here. At least we're above freezing right now, so hopefully it will be completely gone soon. I didn't have a choice but to get out in the mess, and spent a few hours this weekend slowly driving to and from to ensure I wouldn't have an accident. Nobody wants that.
Oh, and speaking of car fun, Thursday night I had another ball joint go out. $250 dollars later I was told that my entire front suspension is total shit and needs to be completely replaced. Grand total for just that part (remember I've already replaced the other ball joint at a price of $210)... $650. So that means more than a grand repairing a car that I'm still making payments on. I'm so lucky... not.
Anywho, the new job is going well. I love being there, it is a lot of fun. I am learning everyone's names, as well as the names and stories of all of the orphaned animals. I've only found about 15 that I want to take home. If only I could win the lotto... I'd buy a farm and take in every animal I ever found. Of course right now I am completely exhausted, I am currently working my 15th day in a row. I have taken off this coming Wednesday, for my birthday.
That's right, I'm getting older. I'm pretty indifferent about it. With the impending move, trying to save money, the 2nd job, and the car trouble, I feel my birthday is just falling through the cracks. There is too much else going on to relax, and just celebrate being alive. (Wow, that sounded pretty sad) But I'm not sad, I am really excited about being able to move into a house. It will be expensive, and we'll have to cut out a few extra things we do every month, but I will be very proud to be living in my very own house, paid for by me and my sweetie. We'll have our own garage, our own yard, and some actual peace and quiet.
Well I guess that's all that's going on with me, just working, hanging out at home, learning the new drivers on NASCAR, taking naps, and making sure Ace isn't feeling lonely because I'm gone so much. Have a good week folks, drive safely on all the ice.
There's a louse in the house...
Ok... so there's a guy that I work with who has custody of his 3 daughters. He is dating a girl in the office.
Lately the guy has been needing to work late, so the girl is taking his daughters home with her after work, then when he gets off he goes over there and picks them up.
Anywho... one day a few weeks ago the littlest girl was up here, and I asked her why she wasn't at daycare. Her response? "I've got bugs on my head" OMG!! She's got lice.
I said something to her dad, who just responded that she had a head cold.
Anyhow, yesterday I was talking to my coworker about what the youngest daughter said. She again had been asked to pick the kids up from daycare, so when she did pick them up she had the day care check for her. And guess what? All 3 girls are infested with lice.
She went to the store, bought $75 worth of shampoo for their hair and spray for her furniture and carpet, as well as her car. She was up until 4 am today working on them. Shampooing, combing, washing pillows and drapes...
Oh she's so pissed. Apparently Daddy knew the whole time that the kids had it, but said that the day care was probably lying. So her entire house and car (and her) were unnecessarily exposed. I would freak out...
Oh, and the coworker has taken a personal day. She decided that even though she doesn't have them, she might as well treat herself while she's at it. And delouse the house again...
Happy birthday!
To my blog!
Yup, that's right, today is my blog's first birthday. Happy birthday Bloggie!!
My Valentines Post
Well, in case you didn't already know, today is Valentines day. (and my dad's wedding anniversary)
Anywho, Valentines Day is special to me. I honestly think it's my favorite day of the year, maybe even more than my birthday. (which is in 8 days)
To me, Valentines day isn't about flowers, candy, jewelry, or expensive dinners. It's about being in love. It's about all of the little things that make your relationship unique, and celebrating each other. It's one day out of the year to forget petty squabbles about chores, forget financial woes, ignore bad habits. It's an important day, meant to be enjoyed with your love.
Who cares if you can't afford a dozen rozes or a diamond ring. A home made card inscribed with an inside joke and a tender kiss is all I need.
Ace ~ I love you so much honey. We've come so far in the last 2 1/2 years, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I am really looking forward to all of our future plans, and I hope we never forget how special our relationship is. I love you, valentine.
One year ago today....
A client of mine received a call from her ex-in-laws. The ex was acting strangely and she needed to be careful.
The client and her mother went to the courthouse, got an emergency protective order against the ex, went to lunch, and her mom took her back to work.
Unbeknownst to Catherine and her mom, the ex was sitting on the other side of the parking lot, loading his shot gun.
Catherine went in, Mom drove off. The ex grabbed his gun, went in, walked into her office and shut the door. He shot her point blank 3 times with that shotgun. He, thankfully, did one good thing that day. He also shot and killed himself.
Ace remembered me talking about Miss Catherine before, and when he heard the story on the news about a shooting at her company he called. Somehow, even though we were all unaware of the marital problems, we knew it was her.
A part of me changed that day. I once was involved in an abusive relationship. The worst thing that happened to me was a broken bone that required surgery, and a few additional scars from other 'disagreements'. I was never afraid of him. I'm the type that will fight back, against anyone or anything. I always thought that I could deal with the punches. I could deal with the kicks. I could deal with the screaming, the throwing things, the being spit on. I would always fight back. Granted he was 5 inches taller and 50 lbs heavier than me, but I'd be dammed if someone was going to hit me and get away with it. I did eventually leave him, but not after trying 6 or 7 times.
When this happened, I became very very afraid of him. He and I hadn't been together for more than 2 years by the time Catherine died. It didn't matter. I realized at that moment that it didn't matter if you get out of the relationship, that doesn't mean it's over to him. That a punch isn't the worst thing someone can do to you.
After the end of my bad relationship, I was told to get out of town for a while. I thought of where to go, who I could stay with and not be a burden. I'm not sure if my naive soul or my pride prevented me from doing that. After I heard about Catherine I realized what a fool I was. I could have been her. Minding my own business, trying to escape the problems at home by burying myself in my work. And ultimately realizing that the person I thought loved me wished I was dead. And would actually kill me.
I hope that Catherine's parents know how much she meant to everyone. And how she is still on everyones mind. At least she's on mine.
What's the worst possible thing that could happen?
According to a commercial I watched over lunch, the worst thing that could happen to someone is having to pay too much for cable tv.
Honestly, of all the horrible things in the world, the worst thing possible is a high cable tv bill?
Not being blown up, shot by an estranged coworker, burned in a fire, have a leg amputated in a serious car accident, having your spouse cheat and contract HIV, or a child die from cancer.
None of those things could ever compare to being overcharged for cable.
Come on... get a grip people. Holy hell.
Is this weird?
Ok... so there's this guy that I work with. He's 25, and a bit of an odd duck.
He was talking to me last week about what he was going to do over the weekend. Guess what his plans were? Buying some Magic The Gathering cards and going to a "Magic" event.
He's 25 for chrissakes!!! Aren't trading cards something that 12 year olds play with? Shouldn't 25 year olds be drinking and running around and trying to get laid?
He swears he has a girlfriend... but no one has ever met her, seen a picture, or known of her to call the office. I'm starting to think that his girlfriend is a mystical fairy that he only sees in his dreams.
Weird weird weird...
Weekend update...
My weekend was pretty uneventful. Ace spent the majority of the 'non-kids' time with his buddy, so I had a lot of 'Manders' time. Which was cool... it gave me the chance to just relax, rest, and try to fight off the rest of my sickness.
I am still trying to find a part-time job... *sigh* Saturday morning I attended a job fair at the Tulsa Zoo, so we'll see how that pans out. I think that job might actually be fun. I also got a call today from Garden Ridge, and I have an interview tonight. So a special thanks to Daven for that lead.
To me, the Super Bowl sucked. Ace was with his buddy again, so I slept through the first half of the game. I watched the halftime show, and I liked that. Then I ordered hot wings and ate those during the 2nd half. Ace was home after that, and we watched Grey's Anatomy, and went to bed.
Boring, right? When did I become such an old fogie?
Pajama Day
I was watching Wife Swap the other night (one of the families was from Tulsa btw), I came across a remarkable idea.
Pajama Day.
This mother lets her kids stay home once and a while, usually after a hard stressful day. They all stay in their pj's, eat piles of junk food, and just play all day long. What a cool plan... I've always called them "Mental Health Days", but I love "Pajama Day" even better.
Now I know this can't be done more than once or twice a year... but I think the world would be a better place if people would just take a day for themselves, to do nothing but chill out and have fun.
So... if tomorrow was your "Pajama Day", what would you do?