Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekend update...

My weekend was pretty uneventful. Ace spent the majority of the 'non-kids' time with his buddy, so I had a lot of 'Manders' time. Which was cool... it gave me the chance to just relax, rest, and try to fight off the rest of my sickness.

I am still trying to find a part-time job... *sigh* Saturday morning I attended a job fair at the Tulsa Zoo, so we'll see how that pans out. I think that job might actually be fun. I also got a call today from Garden Ridge, and I have an interview tonight. So a special thanks to Daven for that lead.

To me, the Super Bowl sucked. Ace was with his buddy again, so I slept through the first half of the game. I watched the halftime show, and I liked that. Then I ordered hot wings and ate those during the 2nd half. Ace was home after that, and we watched Grey's Anatomy, and went to bed.

Boring, right? When did I become such an old fogie?