Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm a bad blogger

So nearly two weeks since my last post, and I still can't think of a thing to write.

Everything's going really well, we're almost all settled in to the new hacienda. I love it here. I always heard that owning just feels different than renting, and they were right. This really feels like home. And I feel like an adult. EEEK!!!!

Let's see, what's happened.

I've been taking care of patients lately. Some of the stuff I've seen... dang. I'm at the county hospital, so we get the people that are hurt or get sick in jail, we get the homeless, the poor, the people that most never see. They people really seem to appreciate a soft touch and a warm smile. I mean REALLY appreciate it. It makes me feel like I'm doing something to help.

So far I've worked on the general surgery floor and the cardiac floor. Next is the cancer floor. I have a feeling that is where I'll stay. Anyway, I'm loving the new job. It has really renewed me. I didn't realize the rut that I had fallen into. Well maybe I did, I just was too chicken to get out of it.

I went and visited the old job last week so I could pick up my Girl Scout cookies that I had ordered. It was nice to see everyone again, but I have definitely moved on. I don't want to go back.

In other news, some vandals destroyed Ace's car. I mean destroyed it. This is so much worse than the blue paint incident of a year or so ago. Caved in roof, busted back glass, flattened tire, pretty much ruined. So right now it's sitting in our garage, awaiting a likely trip to the junk yard. So he and I are sharing. It's not so tough, but if we do it for long my car will just wear out. Between the two of us we have a lot of driving to do. So we'll just have to wait and see about all of that stuff.

Take care everybody, talk to you soon.