Sex Offender umpires youth baseball
While reading the news websites over the last few days I've seen a story of a registered sex offender (convicted of flashing 2 separate times) who was employed by an area park to umpire the youth baseball games.
The group even did background checks, but only on coaches and other personnel who might have one-on-one time with the children. Granted, it's great that those background checks were conducted. But I doubt there's one parent out there that would be fine knowing a convicted flasher is hanging around their kids, whether other adults were present or not. And the majority of the parents would gladly pay an extra few dollars for the additional searches. Who is to say that the offender wouldn't be alone in a restroom with a child and flash him/ her there? Or catch a kid whose parents are distracted by another child and lure him away to cause harm?
Let us all not forget Morgan Nick, who was abducted in this very manner, her parents were watching their other child play ball, and the girl was off playing, and hasn't been seen since. The exact situation that happened here could of happened to another child because someone didn't have enough insight to check the umpires because other adults would be present.
Bad idea folks... try to think ahead next time.
Weekend update: Overdue for vacation edition
Weekend was good, not much time to rest, but I got a lot done.
The flower beds are complete, I actually got everything planted and mulched. They look pretty cool too. Both areas that were seeded in the lawn are coming up nicely. Hopefully it will start to spread out before too long and really make the yard pretty.
Ace and the boys were kind enough to wash my car for me, it looks so pretty now that it's all clean. But... wouldn't you know it... chance of thunderstorms in the area all week now. Oh well, we definitely need the rain here.
I'm still working at the shelter, everything's going really well there. It wears me out, but I love the animals. They were cool enough to have a group of professional dog trainers come out and help us understand the dog's behavior a little better so that we can train them easier. It was pretty cool, mostly about dog psychology and why they do what they do. And even cooler... it actually worked.
I've been deemed one of the most patient with the dogs, so I am given control of the newest intakes, who are the ones with the worst manners. So they jump, and snap, and bark, and pull. (which explains look I get in bar fights constantly) But now, after this class, I can hopefully get them to calm down quicker, and in turn, get them adopted faster.
The boss is back at the other place, after being gone for nearly 2 weeks for having his appendix removed. Which is cool, less work for me.
Oh... and I need a vacation. I am worn the fugg out. I haven't had a day to myself since we moved... and that really wasn't a day to myself because I was moving... sigh.
Maybe some other time... lol. Back to work with me.
HNT: New Car Edition
Here's my new girl (and my hand, it is HNT afterall)

Some more, for your viewing pleasure.

It's growing!!
That's right, after days and days of multiple waterings, our grass seed is FINALLY starting to sprout.
We had nothing last night, but early today when I went out to give it yet another soaking, we had little baby grass sprouts.
So what does my retarded ass do? Run in the house, and tell Ace, all while jumping up and down. I was so excited... and yes, I realize it's just grass, and in a few months I'll be bitching about having to mow it... but it will be so pretty!!
And I realize I still owe everybody pictures, so hopefully I can get the flowers planted this evening and get those taken and posted.
Honest officer, it was an accident....
Last night after the Easter festivities, I decide to cruise the local car lots looking for something suitable.
I find something completely out of my price range, but who cares, because it's unlocked, and oh so very cool. It's a Mercedes convertible, and absolutely gorgeous. So I open it up, hop in, and start pushing buttons. There's this button on the top, beside the release clip for the top. It has a cover on it, so I look there, and written on are 3 letters. SOS.
Hmm... wonder what this does.
So I push it. It starts blinking. F - U - C - K!!
What do I do? Get out of the car, and walk to the other end of the lot of course... lol
I start checking out other cars, also completely out of my price range. I did find this cool Tahoe with a DVD/ Video game system already installed in it. So awesome...
Ok, back to my story. I forget about the Mercedes, until I go to get back into my car. And what do I see? 2 police cars in the lot, checking out the convertible. I pretend not to notice, and drive away.
So, word to the wise. When looking at used cars, never push a button that says SOS. The cops will come, and you'll have to hide from them... lmao...
Allergy season is in full swing.
I've been popping Claritin like tic-tacs... and I still feel like total hell. Even my ears hurt. Weird, huh? Hopefully this stuff will pass soon, I don't like feeling sick at all.
We've had the plumber out this morning. We got a brand new washer and dryer delivered on Saturday, and we can't use it because the drain is clogged. The plumber tried to snake it, but that didn't work. ( I told him we already did that, but he didn't listen) So tomorrow morning he's coming back out to cut the pipe in half and see what the clog is. I'm guessing some little kid dropped a golf ball down there, so we'll just wait and see.
Oh, and in better news, my boss has appendicitis. He's having surgery this afternoon, and will be out for one to two weeks. Fantastic, that means I'm him and I for that whole time. So... I'll pretty much be living at the office for a while. Oh well.
Have a good day folks!
My attempt at gardening
Last night, after a way too short weekend, I hit the local Lowe's for some garden stuff. Their store wasn't organized very well, so after many many laps around the place, I finally found what I was needing.
I bought a shovel, some topsoil (for filling in holes from the last tenant's dog) 4 azalea bushes, fertilizer, cedar mulch, and grass seed. You see, our lovely sycamore tree in the front yard has created many bald patches in the front lawn. And a girl can't have her first house have bald spots outside. No sir.
Last night I tilled up the front flower bed. Then I dug 4 holes, spaced apart fairly evenly. (It's hard without a tape measure) Then I added some Miracle Grow infused potting soil to the bottom of the hole, placed the bush in, backfilled, made a 'water ring', fertilized, and watered. So... I hope they don't die.
Since the kiddo's have baseball Monday and Tuesday, I probably won't be able to tend to the lawn until Wednesday. Which is cool, I'm pretty sore from hauling everything around yesterday and could go for a break.
Tonight I'll try to take some pics and have them up tomorrow.
My girl's at the vet
This morning I dropped Girl Kitty off at the vet to be spayed. Poor little girl, she was so scared in the car. She crawled under the towel I had in the taxi to hide.
Once we got to the place they put my name on two pieces of masking tape and put one on the taxi, and one on the cat. Poor baby, looked so silly with tape on her head. She didn't seem to mind too much though, I think she was too scared to care.
I get to leave at 4 so I can go get her. Let's all hope that everything goes according to plan and she'll be a-ok. I know I am.
Addendum to Political Garbage
Yup, that's right, one more blog about my day.
This morning on the way in, what do I see but a crew of criminals doing customer service. What are they doing? That's right, picking up the political signs. Does anyone but me think their services could be better used somewhere else?
Why is it the responsibility of this group to clean up the mess of signs voluntarily put in the ground in the previous weeks? Why can't the group that put them down come back and pick them back up?
Oh wait, I know. Because the people that put them down are in charge, and can tell the community service group to do it. That makes me even happier.
Political Garbage
For those of you who don't know, it's voting day in Tulsa. As anyone who is breathing will know, elections mean campaigns. Campaigns mean billboards, commercials, literature, and signage.
Lots and lots and lots of signage.
This morning on my way to work I had to run an errand which required me to go through 4 intersections. Every single corner of those 4 intersections was littered with yard signage. Lafortune, Mautino, and countless other campaigns have taken it upon themselves to place 45 political signs at one intersection, spaced at 1 foot intervals for some type of effect.
What type of message are they sending? Lafortune has been the Tulsa mayor for a long time, does he think that people don't know who he is, so he needs to put ugly signs all over the grass? Does he (or any of the others) really care about the appearance of the town if they are willing to put garbage everywhere? History tells us that tomorrow, regardless of the winner, those signs will still be out there. Littering up Tulsa. Taking away from Green Country, and making it into Sign Country.
Weekend update: Party edition
The party was a big success! We ended up with a table covered with muchies, a keg of Miller Lite, 3 bottles of Captain Morgan (my fav), 1 bottle of tequila, 1 bottle of crown, 1 bottle of vodka, 40 jello shots, and 35 or so people.
Not bad, right? Plus, since I wasn't stuck driving, I could actually get drunk. And boy did I ever.
In other news, my lovely turns 30 this morning. We laid in bed together last night talking until his time of birth, which was just after midnight. Happy Birthday sugar, I hope you have a great day.