Monday, April 10, 2006

My attempt at gardening

Last night, after a way too short weekend, I hit the local Lowe's for some garden stuff. Their store wasn't organized very well, so after many many laps around the place, I finally found what I was needing.

I bought a shovel, some topsoil (for filling in holes from the last tenant's dog) 4 azalea bushes, fertilizer, cedar mulch, and grass seed. You see, our lovely sycamore tree in the front yard has created many bald patches in the front lawn. And a girl can't have her first house have bald spots outside. No sir.

Last night I tilled up the front flower bed. Then I dug 4 holes, spaced apart fairly evenly. (It's hard without a tape measure) Then I added some Miracle Grow infused potting soil to the bottom of the hole, placed the bush in, backfilled, made a 'water ring', fertilized, and watered. So... I hope they don't die.

Since the kiddo's have baseball Monday and Tuesday, I probably won't be able to tend to the lawn until Wednesday. Which is cool, I'm pretty sore from hauling everything around yesterday and could go for a break.

Tonight I'll try to take some pics and have them up tomorrow.