Friday, March 24, 2006

For Puff, the Redneck Test

1. Have you ever been muddin’? Yes, but not since high school.

2. Have you ever been on a dirt/gravel road? Sure, I used to live on one. I was scared to death of the road grater.

3. Ever been swimmin’ at the river? Oh hell yeah. Ace and I almost drowned one time.

4. Ever had a bonfire party? Absolutely. In the middle of a big field, everybody would back their cars up, and we'd sit around on the tail gates and drink up.

5. Have you ever driven a tractor? Yep, hauling hay with my dad as a kid.

6. Have you ever been on a horse? Many times. I miss my old one, she was a sweetie, and very fast too.

7. Call a kiss “sugar” (Gimme some sugar)? (I'm leaving Kid's answer, mine's the same)I personally don’t, but I know plenty of aunts and grandmas that do.

8. Get stuck, in a 4WD, in mud up to the windows? Not that high up, but once my brother and I got his truck stuck in the mud, so we grabbed my dad's truck to pull it out, and got that one stuck too! So we used my grandpa's truck to pull the other two out.

9. Do you say fixin’, reckon and ya’ll? I say fixin'... but not the other two.

10. Ever done 90 mph down a dirt road? Who hasn't?

11. Worked/Lived on a farm? Oh yeah, I remember cutting the horns off of cows when I was little, and having nightmares about it for weeks.

12. Been to a rodeo? Hell yeah, I love the bull riding.

13. Do you own cowboy boots? One pair.

14. Have you ever went rollin’ yard? I'm with Kid, I've never heard of this.

15. Have you ever said “git er done”? Yes, I'm sad to say... lol

16. Does your town have a “Drive A Tractor to School Day”? I'm not that much of a redneck.

17. Have you ever had a party in a barn? Many many times... when it was too cold to just stand in the field.

18. Do you think tractors are sexy? Depends on who's driving it.

19. Ever rode a 4-wheeler? Yup, I have a lot of pictures to prove it too!

20. Are you from the country? I'm gonna go with yes on this one.

21. If so, are you proud of it? Hell yeah!

22. Gone hunting? Not for me.

23. Gone fishing? Yes, but I think it's kind of boring. I would take the .22 and shoot the turtles though. Hey wait, does that mean I've been hunting? Turtle hunting? A new sport!!

24. Can you clog or have you been clogging? Nope, but I did tap dance as a girl.

25. Been on a hay ride? Yes sir, lots.

26. Have you ever line danced? I love to.

27. Camped under the stars? Yep, many times, but never enough.

28. Ever been cow tippin’? LOL, no but we joked about it all the time while growing up.

29. Ever owned a pick up truck?I haven't, I've always had cars. But I borrow my Dad's all the time, especially to go to the drive in.

30. Had a pig for a pet? I have, his name was Rodeo. We would put a saddle on him and ride him around when our Shetland pony Candy Corn was grumpy. Loved that guy. I had a show pig once too, and I got the blue ribbon at the Creek County fair.

31. Own a pair of overalls? Not right now, but I would like some.

32. Pee’d on the side of the road? When you've gotta go, you've gotta go.

33. Made homemade wine? No way... lol

34. Had a party at the creek? Absolutely.

35. Milked a cow? Yes I have... and I was actually given goat milk as a baby instead of formula because of all the corn syrup in it. My dad would go out back, milk our goat, boil it, and after it would cool, it went into my bottle. Cool, right? lol...

36. Ran across round bails of hay? As in... ever see round bails of hay? Or literally run across them? I've seen them, never ran on them.

37. Must have sweet tea? Absolutely. That other stuff is funky.

38. Been to a race? I sure have. The Chili Bowl a couple of times, and of course, moster truck races.

39. Drink fresh milk, straight from the dairy farm? Both sets of my Grandpa's were farm hands on dairies. When we'd visit we'd put black cats in the cow patties and blow them up.

40. Include the word “yonder” in your vocabulary? Nah, my english teacher would have smacked me.