Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A gross story

Ok... so both of my cats refuse to drink out of a water bowl. I leave one out with fresh water, hoping they'll get the hint, but they never do. Instead they drink from the sink. I turn it on just barely, and they hop up there and drink straight out of the tap.

So this morning I'm putting on my makeup, and the cats have just finished drinking. Boy Kitty burps... and WATER COMES OUT OF HIS NOSE!!! It was probably 5 or 6 drops, right onto my foot. He looks at me, saying "Mom... help me.... "

Sorry dude, you're on your own. I just had kitty snot water dripped on my foot. AHHH!!!

So as I'm washing my foot he starts to sneeze. All over my neck. GODDAMMIT!!!!

(all before 730, mind you)