Manders Grandpa
I found out my Grandpa has congestive heart failure. He's my dad's dad, and one of the greatest guys that ever was.He and my grandmother have been married for 63 years, which is a record at their doctor's office. The doctor said he'll do whatever he could to get them to #64.
I went over there Saturday for a visit. My grandmother told me how they met.
Grandpa had some geese for sale, and sold 3 of them to my Great-Grandmother. After about a week one died. My great-grandmother was making dinner, so she sent my grandma to go find my grandpa and take back the dead goose for a live one.
She did, and thought my grandpa was the ugliest boy she had ever seen. He was short, had a big head, and was covered in freckles.
Anyhow, he didn't have any more geese. He had spent the money so he couldn't return that. Instead he did small chores for my great-grandmother to repay the $2.00 she spent for a dead goose.
After being there for a few days, he and my grandma became friends. And the rest, as they say, is history. 5 kids and countless grandkids and greatgrandkids have come, all from a dead goose.
Oh, and grandpa said many years later that he did have another goose, but opted to work back the money to get closer to grandma.
We've all been calling and checking in with Grandma since Friday. Making sure they have groceries in the house and that grandpa's ok. He's a hard headed ol fart, and might be too much for ol granny to handle.
I love him so very very much, and the world will be worse off when he's gone. They just don't make Grandpa's like they used to.