It's been a big week
Hi everybody!! Everything is well. Ace and I completely emptied out the old house this evening, and will start working on putting everything together over here, and straighting up as we go along. As with anyone that moves, our house is a big wreck right now. We can't find anything, what we can find we have to dig out of a random box, etc etc etc. But it's worth it, because this house is OURS. We won't be moving for a good long time.
In other news, I finished up day #2 at the new job today. I really like it there. The benefits are awesome (24 days off a year, scholarships, scheduled annual raises, nice insurance plans). It's still really early, and of course I'm still in the training part of the job, but I'm excited about it. I think it will be a good match for me.
I'll be around to check on everyone else soon, and will get pics posted of the new house asap.
Go Manders...
It's my birfday!!!
I'm 24 today. Damn, I'm getting up there. Ace said Im almost old enough for him to dump me. Yeah, he'd lose his penis for
So we have our closing scheduled for 2 today. Yup, again. Hopefully this one will go a bit better than the last one. It's my birthday wish.
The day has come!!
We're finally closing!!
Heck yeah, today at 2 we get to close. I'm so freaking excited.
Plus, I bet Ace this morning that we'd close today, so I'm now $20 richer.
The cat's outta the bag
First things first, we still haven't closed on the house. Don't ask me why. I'm sure there is a reason, I just feel that I've been fed so much bullshit over this deal that I don't really believe the reason that I'm being told.
That said, I have some other news. Scary news, but still really cool news. And no, I'm not preggo.
A couple of weeks ago I found an ad in the newspaper for a hospital that is training people to be nurses aides, and then providing them a job afterwards.
So I applied.
And yesterday I was offered a job.
And today I accepted.
And now I'm freaking out.
I have a mortgage... well... almost. (see above) Why in the hell am I deciding to now quit my job? Well, because it is a really great opportunity. It will give me the experience/ edge I need to help me be accepted to nursing school. I don't see how I couldn't accept it. Plus, their schedules are much more flexible, and will allow greater amounts of time for my regular school.
So that's it, starting Feb. 26th I'll have a new job.
Funny pictures

This is my little brother as a baby, with his mom. He got the hat for his first Christmas. Such a cutie!!

Here's the step family (well, used to be.) I'm the one with my head turned crooked blocking out the sun. Dad's taking the picture.

Here we are at my dad and lil' bro's mom's wedding in March of '93. I'm the tall one in the jean skirt.
I'm on VACATION!!!
This past Saturday started my 7 wonderful days of vacation. This month marks the 1 year anniversary of me working 7 days a week, so let's just say that I need it. I haven't had 7 days off in more than 3 years, so I'm trying to make the most of it.
Try is the key word. Last Friday we were supposed to close. Wait, wait, wait. No closing. Today we're supposed to close. It's 10 minutes past 3, and we still don't have a time. Wait, wait, wait. I'm not sure if we're still closing today or not, but I'm so beyond frustrated now. 3 days of my vacation have come, and nearly passed, and although I've rested, I have nothing accomplished at the new house. And, of course, since we can't get out of the old house, I can't clean. Can't scrub the shower, still have to use it. Can't vaccuum, we're still making messes. Can't poop scoop the yard, dogs are still... um... pooping.
Speaking of dogs, Mr, Sanchez (now about 6 months old) was neutered last week. He recovered very quickly, and was actually up and around before I even got to the vet to pick him up. And for those that care, he weighs a whopping 36 pounds now. Much heavier than the little 4 lb baby when he first came to me. Love that dude.
Time for me to go, I've got to bug my realtor some more.
A very long story short...
We still haven't closed on the house. Yep, still. Oh, and we don't know when we will, so I keep pushing my vacation back. Blech.
Everything else is pretty much the same. It's all about the house right now.
Have a good day folks