Thursday, December 07, 2006

Brrr it's cold, and funny Christmas

I've been doing my Christmas shopping these last two weeks, and the wrapped presents sure look nice under the tree. Being able to buy gifts for my loved ones really makes me proud of myself. There have been many years that I haven't been able to afford presents, or even a tree. This year, however, I have both. I've had lots of fun shopping, and last night I bought a few things for myself from Victoria's Secret.

This is where it gets funny.

I found a nice salsa sampler giftset for my dad from Le Gourmet Chef, and an OSU cowboys shirt, and I have put them inside the Vicky's bag, complete with pink tissue paper. I can't wait to give it to him, more for the bag than the stuff inside. lol...

I have Ace just about complete, but I still want to get him a thing or two more. I'm not posting what I bought him here because he'll read it. Even though I'm almost positive he sneaked a peak before I wrapped it.

Ace's kiddos are just about finished up too, they have Jack Sparrow foam swords, new fleece jackets, and Tojo has a new tool kit and Taco has a huge Transformer toy.

Oh, and for those of you that aren't aware, it's colder than shit outside. I had to run some things out to the mailbox at work and froze my ass off. Dang it sucks.

Tonight I've got to get my study on though, so no more shopping. It's too cold to be out anyway.

So what's the funniest Christmas gift you've ever gotten? Or the most memorable? Or even just your favorite?

Mine was my blue Pound Puppies bicycle when I was 6. I loved that thing. Thanks Dad!