Here are the boys

So, instead of relaxing and enjoying my last day of vacation for the year I take pictures of my dogs. Cute aren't they?
Just so you know
You guys are the absolute best!! The comments have been wonderful.
I told my dad earlier today that Ace and I are getting married. My brother took it upon himself to ask my dad "did Manders tell you yet?" ... so of course Dad called and said "tell me what?" So of course I had to tell him.
Dad's response? Better than I imagined. He just asked if I was willing to trade my youth and independence for the wife/ mommy role. I told him to not worry, nothing in my life would be changing for the worse. By the time the wedding rolls around we will of lived together for two years and be together for four, so the 'indepencence' was gone a long time ago. That, and his kids already had a great mommy, and my role as mommy won't begin until I'm well into or completed with school. He seemed a bit more assured after that, but I guess only time will tell.
First on the agenda is for me to find a place that we both love and can afford. Sounds easy, right? After I find the place I'll pick the date so corrolate with their vacancies. Ace originally picked June 11th, a Monday so we could elope. So I'm hoping to set something for that Sunday the 10th to keep things as close to our original plans as possible.
Munchkin, you've got the decorator job. Let me decide on a few colors, location, time, etc. then pay off the Christmas gifts on my credit card, and you and I will go shop our hearts out for wedding CRAP... lol ( I couldn't resist) I don't see my mom being around much for this, so if you will, I'd love for you to stand in for her. XOXO right back.
So the cat's outta the bag
Last night Ace told his parents our secret. Told you we suck at this.
They talked us into having an actual wedding, not just eloping. So... I guess that's what we'll do. I must admit that it will be nice to have my dad walk me down the aisle.
Of course I've never planned a wedding before, so I have no idea what I'm doing. So wish me luck on this.
Next on the agenda is telling my family. Probably tomorrow at Thanksgiving #2 I'll let it out.
Here's the secret
Because I really suck at this, and know I'll never be able to hold it in....
Ace and I are getting married June 11th.
Now take a breath... lol
We aren't having a big ceremony, we'll probably just get married at the court house, then take a few days worth of vacation and go on a trip somewhere, like San Antonio, Padre, Myrtle Beach, something like that. So if anybody has any ideas send them our way.
See? Good secret, right?
Tails and Eyes
The following was written by our shelter vet, and was posted in this quarter's newsletter. Try to read it without tearing up. I can't do it.
I always remember the tails and the eyes of the abused and neglected animals that I serve. I remember their tails because I am amazed and heartened that they still choose to wag them when the arrive at the SPCA for clinic treatment, even though they have been treated thoughtlesly by the people who were supposed to be caring for them. Like the tail of Millie, a dog who came to us sore all over from being shoved from a moving car. She still wagged her tail even though she had injuries to two of her legs. Or the tail of little Hope, who was sick with an infected jaw fracture and was thin as a rail, but she found the energy to greet us with her wagging tail. I remember Earl's eyes. Earl is a dog who was starved nearly to death within view of his drug addicted owner's kitchen window. Our emplyees went out to remove him and his yardmate Flash, who was in similiar shape, and save them from a slow but sure death. They got here just in time, as both dogs were very weak from dehyration and barely able to walk from not having eaten in a long time. Earl presented for treatment lying down; he was so weak, but his brown eyes looked up and right into mine. I loved him immediately. He seemed to be telling me that he was happy to be with us, and expected nothing in return. I imagine that Earl looked at his unfortunate caregiver that way too, and he and many others have taught me that unconditional love is the greatest git that we can hope for. We don't own our pets, they stay with us because they want to. The staff wishes we could be as forgiving as so many of the SPCA animals are. We go through so many emotions when we take in a new abused or neglected animal, but the animals seem to forgive and move on in no time. I don't think they forget, I think they just forgive. You're teary, aren't you? It's ok, I am too.
Notes from the story: Millie is doing fine. A man who is part of a band had adopted an animal from the shelter. When he heard about Millie his group put on a benefit concert and helped us raise the money necessary for Millie's surgeries. She's doing great these days.
Hope came to us after a man saw his neighbor kick a stray dog in the face. When the good samaritin could finally corral the puppy he brought her to us. The jaw was broken and infected, but all is healed now and she's a beautiful, loving little girl.
Earl and Flash are both doing great. Earl now lives with an employee of the shelter, and belongs to the woman's mentally handicapped son. The son voluntarily helps out with chores around the shelter and his calm demeanor matched perfectly with Earl, who is still extremely shy. Flash still lives at the shelter, and is awaiting his forever home.
With the holidays coming up many folks use the season of giving to pass on a little extra to charities. Please remember the shelters. The animals, employees, and volunteers rely on the donations to keep afloat.
A short wishlist:
old blankets
old stuffed animals
squeaky toys
canned food (not dry, too many varieties make dogs sick, so they're on a strict dry diet)
water hoses
dish soap
trash bags
paper towels
aluminum cake pans (litter boxes)
kitten milk replacement
office supplies (pens, paper, scotch tape)
kitty litter
Anything you can do helps, please think of them.
A few pics, just for giggles

I'd guess I'm about 5 in that picture, my two older brothers are beside me. Cousins are over a bit further. I'm calling this the "wind-blown" look. Don't I look destined to be on Cosmo?? lol
Yup, Dad had a mullet. Ace didn't believe me until I showed him the photographic evidence. I'm glad I dug this pic up, just in time for Christmas. I'm framing it and giving it to his wife. (thanks for the idea, guys... you're the greatest.)
And last, but certainly not least, here I am with my dear ol Granny. Aren't we darling?! I look like I'm pooping, but still.
Here goes nothing
I know, I know. It's time for a new post.
What's new. I'm really getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I've already bought a few things to decorate the house, and Ace and I are planning on putting up lights either this weekend or the next. I realize that tradition states you put them up the day after Thanksgiving, but I'm stuck working. I'll probably work Turkey Day as well, so traditions don't really apply with me. Big deal.
Sanchez is really growing. I want to get him into the vet to have him weighed so I can see just how big the dude's getting. I'm guessing he's put on about 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Cute little guy, he's Boomer's best friend. (next to me, of course. Such a momma's
School is going well, I'm still ready to have this semester closed out though. I'm ready for the fun stuff, this basics crap is for the birds.
Oh, and I have a secret. I'm really sucky at keeping secrets, so I should NEVER be told one. Just FYI. I'm sure before too long I'll be spilling my guts, so stay tuned.
Yesterday when I left for work I thought I'd let Sanchez run around freely in the living room instead of being confined to his crate like normal. He's growing quickly, and is becoming too big for his crate.
Anywho. When I left I picked everything up off of the floor, including pillows, the newspaper, and Ace's PS2.
Ace got home before me, and sent me a text message that it wasn't the best idea. Apparently little Sanchez chewed through both of the phone chargers and the speaker wire for the surround sound.
DAMMIT! I forgot something.
So we went last night to Best Buy and got Ace a phone like mine so we can now share a charger. It was cheaper to do that than buy 2 new chargers, plus he's been wanting a new phone anyway.
Dang puppy, I should have known. Anyhow, I need to get a picture up of Boomer and Sanchez playing, it's adorable.
I'm ashamed of me
A woman at work was out all last week.
She was out because her husband hit her so hard in the face her cheek was swollen even with her nose, and she was embarrased to come in while she was so bruised.
She came back today with a brand new Toyota pickup. It's black, really nice.
A guy commented that her truck matched her eye.
I laughed. Now I feel horrible.